James Rowa ~ JRowah!

Software developer, biochemist and educator.

Welcome to my home on the Internet. I'm a self-taught software developer with a unique background in Biochemistry and a PGD in Education.

I'm interested in Open Source, AI and ML. I'm currently freelancing and mentoring others. Fluent in English, Swahili, Luo, and un poco de español 😁. I write about things I learn and teach here.

Feel free to explore and reach out if you believe we could collaborate on something innovative and exciting. Take a look at my work.

Jrowah's Portrait
  • Skillset:

    Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, Nodejs, ReactJS, GraphQL, SQL

  • Experience:

    2 Years and 0 Month. Worked at OptimumBA, and now Freelancing and Open Source.

  • Learning:

    Currently Learning Python and React Native

  • Funtime:

    I enjoy morning runs, cycling, swimming, cooking, aprendiendo español, and spending quality time with my daughter as I wait for her to become of age and teach me new stuff 😎.