My Projects

These are the projects I have worked on.


Another famous game. I built this game using Elixir and Phoenix. Here I learned GenServer and Supervision

Easy Bills - Invoice Generator

This is an invoice generator app that generates and sends invoices. I built this app using Elixir, Phoenix and LiveView.

Product Expiry Tracker

PTracker helps minimize food westage by making it easy to track the expiry dates of products. I used NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Cloudinary, EJS, and TailwindCSS

Phx Tools

This is an elixir community tool that helps with setting up the development environment. I was part of the team that built this tool using Elixir, Phoenix and Shell.


The famous paper-and-pencil game for two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three grid with X or O. Built with vanilla JavaScript.

This is my portolio website. Initially built using Gatsby, I decided to switch to Phoenix and LiveView after I mastered Elixir and Phoenix.